Individual Coaching

What do we mean by ‘Individual Coaching’

Communicating clearly with others, managing our time, delivering our objectives, demonstrating emotional intelligence and continuously reducing waste are all critical for success in today’s workplace.  The purpose of ‘individual coaching’ is to enable participants to develop their effectiveness in these areas.

Personal Journeys Matter

Personal Journeys Matter

How individual coaching is conducted.

We deliver our services in whatever way is most appropriate to your circumstances; one-to-one or in groups of up to six people, on-line or in-person.  We recommend groups of up to six people to ensure participants gain the confidence to make the changes they need to.

Focused on the individual

Exploration and discovery are where we start.  We present new ideas to encourage debate and help individuals identify what they can positively influence by doing things differently.

Short focussed workshops

Workshops are up to two hours long, focus on specific aspects of personal effectiveness, and are constructed to your specification from our extensive library of resources.

Practical tools & techniques

Participants select, adapt and apply tools and techniques aligned to the things they would like to improve by working differently.  It’s all about the result and having a positive impact.

Get Started

Exploring a situation can unlock a fresh perspective. Leave your details below to find out more and begin experiencing the impact of coaching.

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